Navigating the Paraguayan Residency Process: Foreigners ID

Obtaining residency in Paraguay is a crucial step for those seeking to live and work in the country. While the process is generally straightforward, it can also be confusing at times. After receiving your residency card, the next step is to apply for your cedula, the Paraguayan national ID. However, many people are caught off guard when they arrive at the Identificaciones office, only to be informed that they are missing a critical document: the “Carnet de Extranjeros” or Foreigners’ Card.

Understanding the Foreigners’ Card

The Foreigners’ Card is an essential document that is often overlooked in the residency process. It is a separate ID card that is required in addition to your residency card and cedula. Without this card, you will not be able to complete the cedula application process.

Where to Obtain the Foreigners’ Card

The Foreigners’ Registry office is conveniently located beneath the Interpol offices. To apply for the card, you will need to fill out two forms and provide authenticated copies of the following documents:

Timing and Cost

You can apply for the Foreigners’ Card after obtaining your residency from the Migration office. The standard processing time is approximately 10 days, and the cost is Gs. 105.000. If you need the card urgently, you can opt for the expedited service, which will have your card ready within 30 minutes for a fee of Gs. 205.000.

Streamlining the Process

For those working with an immigration agent or processing their residency independently, it is crucial to be aware of the Foreigners’ Card requirement. By completing this step during your first visit to Paraguay, you can save time and money by avoiding the need to return to the country to pick up your residency card and subsequently apply for the cedula.

Benefits of Working with Experienced Professionals

When navigating the Paraguayan residency process, working with experienced professionals can help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smooth experience. They can guide you through each step of the process, including obtaining the Foreigners’ Card, saving you the headache of discovering missing documents at the last minute.

Embarking on Your Paraguayan Journey

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of the Foreigners’ Card, you can confidently move forward with your plans to live and work in Paraguay. By staying informed and working with trusted experts, you can navigate the residency process with ease and focus on enjoying your new life in this beautiful country.

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